【尾瀬 燧ケ岳*】 Mar 2014, Oze Hiuchigatake, 2,356m

場所: 福島県 尾瀬 燧ケ岳
魅力度(Attractiveness):★★☆☆☆   難易度(Difficulty):☆☆☆   体力度(Physical Power Level):☆☆


Oze is the biggest marshland in Japan. There are two famous mountains that have been designated as the 100 famous mountains of Japan. One of them is Mt.Shibutsu and the other is Mt.Hiuchi.
Although it was March, Mt.Hiuchi was covered with a lot of snow. The approach to the summit was long and tough and therefore I could feel the satisfaction of climbing. There were only a few people there and the atmosphere was peacefull, so I could feel calm. I want to go back there again and spend a bit more time.

【Movie and Pictures】

【Route and Time-schedule】



大宮 ⇒ (車)⇒ 大清水

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